Date: November 9th 2013 – December 1st 2013 – Opening November 8th 2013

Location: Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Spazio ‘fontana’ – Via Milano 13, Roma

Curator: Roberto Nistri
16-Nel-selvaggio-Mondo-degli-scrittoriGlocal Project Consulting has presented the photographic exhibition “Into the Wild World of Writers. Italian Novel starring shooted in their own natural habitat” by Roberto Nistri (“I protagonisti della narrativa italiana fotografati nel loro habitat naturale” di Roberto Nistri).

By his photographic exhibition, Roberto Nistri, explores the less known angle of 99 Italian starring fiction. Men and women writers, are used to be photographed for marketing purposes and hardly ever during ordinary life or while performing their own hobbies. Some of these writers can be compared as rock stars and actors due to the high notoriety they have gained, and the consequence is that even the most devoted lectors can only get a public face which hides what more human and appreciable is in behind. These lectors have to content theirselves with a “public” version of their own loved novelist, avoiding any feeling but what allowed by marketing rules.

This exhibition, on the contrary, shows all writers in their own natural habitat, like the acquarium room where Niccolò Ammanniti uses to “dive” together with his fishes, or like the vertical rock wall where Erri De Luca uses to challenge the gravity law, or like Melissa P.’s tarot cards world, or like Carlo Lucarelli’s spooky weapons museum. Bologna’s groundwater explored by Loriano Macchiavelli as well as the scolptured male bodies, the erotic obsession of Walter Siti.

A fascinating discovery of the inner side of any writer far away from the usual official presentation. Any caption text is written by the novelist depicted in the frame with a creative and unusual description of location, own hobbies, own passions etc.

Roberto Nistri, Roman biologist and photographer, begins his carrer only focusing on naturalistic photograpy, and later on travel and entertainment.

Into the Wild World of Writers is the result of 4 years work during which he changed styles and techniques, from classic portraiture, to conceptual photography, and then to reportage. By doing so he visually explores the world of Italian fiction. His photos have been published in several  famous magazines in Italy and abroad like ”Class“, “L’Espresso”, “National Geographic Italia”, “Traveller”, “Donna moderna”, “Airone”, “Luna”, “Il Venerdì di Repubblica”, “l’Enciclopedia Italiana” and many others.