Date: September 11th – November 25th,  2018 – Opening September 10th 2018

Location: The National Gallery – Tbilisi.

Curator: Francesco Petrucci.

The exhibition “Bernini’s School and Roman Baroque” at the Dimitri Shevardnadze National Gallery showcases the masterpieces of Bernini and other Italian masters of XVII century from the Roman Baroque Museum near Rome, “Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia“. The exhibition presents about 60 works including painting and graphic portraits, self-portraits, landscapes, bronze medals and medallions, palace decorations, leather and silk hangers, decorative lamp; preparations for frescos designed for religious buildings and etc.

The exhibition Bernini and the Roman Baroque, Artworks from Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia presents a complete panorama of the genres and styles that defined the baroque aesthetics and forged the communicative apparatus, both moral and spiritual, of the Catholic Church. As emblematic examples of the various genres favored by the patrons of the period, the exhibition not only features historical, allegorical, reli¬gious and mythological paintings, but also represents genres such as the portraiture, self-portraiture, landscaping and the practice of preparatory sketching for large decorative frescoes, ultimately aimed at elevating the faithful.

This project is the result of close cooperation between the Italian Embassy and the Georgian National Museum and is implemented in the frames of the Georgian governmental project Check-in-Georgia. This initiative is supported by: from Italy – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. From Georgia – Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Georgian National Tourism Administration. The exhibition collaborates with the Palazzo Chigi and Glocal Project Consulting. The exhibition is supported by DBA, Salini Impregilo, VTB Bank, Leonardo, Gulf, Anas.